Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting to Know You...

Well, I've been completely stubborn and am refusing to post my "25 Random Things About Me" on facebook, but I decided that since I'm starting this new endeavor I would love for you to know a few fun things about me. Who knows, maybe I'll cave and go ahead and post this to my FB later on... but only because I already went to the trouble of writing it out here.

Therefore, here are 25 random things about me, some that are well known, some perhaps not very well known. Here we go!!

  1. I hate Harry Potter and I love Twilight. Arguments could surely be made for both sides, but my opinion still stands. Sorry, JK, I just can't stand the way you write, dear! (Although, to be honest, I do kinda enjoy the movies. Just won't read the books.)
  2. I love pink flamingos. This is as a result of a fundraiser that I started for my senior class in high school, where we went around flamingoing people's yards for money. We made over $500!
  3. I was in a fraternity in college. Yes, that's right, a FRATERNITY! Phi Mu was the second female fraternity in the United States (only 2 months behind Alpha Delta Pi), in 1852, by Mary, Mary, and Martha. We were founded at a time that the word "sorority" had not yet been coined and so, to this day, we are called what we have been since the beginning, a fraternity of sisters. I LOVE my Sisters. LIOB.
  4. I'm secretly really a fun mix between Idina Menzel and Imogen Heap. Well first of all, we all have "I" names. HELLO!!!! Plus, Idina and I are both lefties, and I'm pretty sure we're all about the same height. I like to think my voice has some similar qualities to Idina (although I think I probably have a style closer to Ingrid Michaelson - another I-girl!!! - or Sara Groves), and I am totally committed to playing Elphaba on Broadway someday before I die. Or in local theatre if that comes first.
  5. I love to write, but I'm not sure I'm actually any good. Don't get me wrong, blogging like this is pretty fun, and puts me in a bit of my element, but I REALLY love writing short stories, have tried to write the Great American Novel a couple times, and I am an attempted songwriter, but I never feel totally right about the way anything turns out, or how the words come together.
  6. I wanted to be an artist up until 7th grade. At which point I realized I really can't draw. At all. I draw people and they look like freak shows. I'm too much of a perfectionist. But secretly, there are some days that I just want to pick up a paintbrush and go to town doing something really abstract and crazy.
  7. I actually CAN sing! I just don't do it in public much... and I get shy. Being on stage in a character, makeup and costume is a breeze for me. I have somewhat of a mask to stand behind. But singing is just flat out raw and naked. And that scares the crap out of me. If I ever fulfilled my dream of being a recording artist, it would take a LOT of practice and ugly disasters before I could perform in front of people. Yikes!!!!!!
  8. I love fashion but I normally just wear jeans and tees. I think this is mostly because I'm afraid of what I'll really look like in some styles, so I cave and revert to my oh-so-not stylish HS/College wardrobe. Boring, but comfy. I DO have a few outfits I'm proud of tho. I'm getting there...
  9. I have a red guitar named Bella. This isn't entirely because of Twilight. Honestly, Alice is my girl all the way, but I've always thought the name Bella is pretty and when I saw it in the book, it just fit! Plus, my friend Ashley named her red jeep Jasper, and I kinda felt the need to be a copycat.
  10. All my guitars are girls. Alex, Olivia, and Bella. But I don't name my cars.
  11. Addendum to #10, my first car was the PMS Mobile. This is because she was always moody and I never knew what she was going to do. It was annoying, but slightly endearing at times.
  12. I watch shows like Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, and the like because I want to see how the actors developed the characters and how well the writers did, not so much for the storyline.
  13. When I was a kid, I wished I had blue eyes. Then I read the story of Amy Carmichael, and how her brown eyes saved her life when she was in India, and I stopped complaining after that.
  14. I had a birthmark on my left cheek that I had removed my Senior year of high school. It was hard for me, but I was too freaked out by the chance of it becoming cancerous. Plus, now I have a cool scar from where it didn't heal quite right.
  15. I just recorded demos for the first time last month! Granted, it wasn't my own music, and it was for a submission for a children's worship CD, but still! I'm pretty dang excited about the whole thing.
  16. I miss Charlotte and still kinda want to move back.
  17. I LOVE fried pickles. From the Penguin OR from Tim's Rivershore. Don't care. And the ones at Cheeseburger aren't half bad in a pinch, but the others are definitely better.
  18. Regina Spektor is actually growing on me. She got on my last nerve when I first heard her music, but now I kinda like it.
  19. Cheeseburger's House Pina Colada is my favorite frozen drink in the WORLD!!! And why can't I spell that with a tilde??? Grr...
  20. I have one tattoo on my right foot. I want more. It may or may not ever happen.
  21. I had a crush on Johnny Depp. Right up until he played Willy Wonka. I can't see him the same way anymore... and while he was pretty hot as the barber of Fleet Street, it was a little much for my little heart.
  22. My favorite part of P.S. I Love You (the movie) was seeing Jeffery Dean Morgan's naked backside. Yes, my husband knows it. He makes fun of me for it.
  23. I wish more people would read P.S. I Love You (the book). I really want to have more people in my life who will understand what the heck I'm talking about when I say things like "Spensive white dress," and "...have a cup of tea." The movie and book are TOTALLY different - and maybe really should have just had different titles - but both wonderful in their own rights. (BTW, I cried like a baby in the movie, and laughed my head off reading the book)
  24. I'm an artsy singer, actor, excentric of sorts, but I am also a Republican, 5-point Calvinist Christian (no, not Baptist), and I despise the thought that anyone could possibly consider the life of an unborn child as optional.
  25. I'm REALLY opinionated, and not terribly shy about it. The challenge for me is finding a way to share my opinions only when they are appropriate to share, and in a manner that is loving and respectful.
Well, that's a little of me! I hope you enjoyed what you learned. Three blog posts in one day is a lot for me, so we'll see how long that pattern lasts. See you soon, lovelies!!!


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