Therefore, here are 25 random things about me, some that are well known, some perhaps not very well known. Here we go!!
- I hate Harry Potter and I love Twilight. Arguments could surely be made for both sides, but my opinion still stands. Sorry, JK, I just can't stand the way you write, dear! (Although, to be honest, I do kinda enjoy the movies. Just won't read the books.)
- I love pink flamingos. This is as a result of a fundraiser that I started for my senior class in high school, where we went around flamingoing people's yards for money. We made over $500!
- I was in a fraternity in college. Yes, that's right, a FRATERNITY! Phi Mu was the second female fraternity in the United States (only 2 months behind Alpha Delta Pi), in 1852, by Mary, Mary, and Martha. We were founded at a time that the word "sorority" had not yet been coined and so, to this day, we are called what we have been since the beginning, a fraternity of sisters. I LOVE my Sisters. LIOB.
- I'm secretly really a fun mix between Idina Menzel and Imogen Heap. Well first of all, we all have "I" names. HELLO!!!! Plus, Idina and I are both lefties, and I'm pretty sure we're all about the same height. I like to think my voice has some similar qualities to Idina (although I think I probably have a style closer to Ingrid Michaelson - another I-girl!!! - or Sara Groves), and I am totally committed to playing Elphaba on Broadway someday before I die. Or in local theatre if that comes first.
- I love to write, but I'm not sure I'm actually any good. Don't get me wrong, blogging like this is pretty fun, and puts me in a bit of my element, but I REALLY love writing short stories, have tried to write the Great American Novel a couple times, and I am an attempted songwriter, but I never feel totally right about the way anything turns out, or how the words come together.
- I wanted to be an artist up until 7th grade. At which point I realized I really can't draw. At all. I draw people and they look like freak shows. I'm too much of a perfectionist. But secretly, there are some days that I just want to pick up a paintbrush and go to town doing something really abstract and crazy.
- I actually CAN sing! I just don't do it in public much... and I get shy. Being on stage in a character, makeup and costume is a breeze for me. I have somewhat of a mask to stand behind. But singing is just flat out raw and naked. And that scares the crap out of me. If I ever fulfilled my dream of being a recording artist, it would take a LOT of practice and ugly disasters before I could perform in front of people. Yikes!!!!!!
- I love fashion but I normally just wear jeans and tees. I think this is mostly because I'm afraid of what I'll really look like in some styles, so I cave and revert to my oh-so-not stylish HS/College wardrobe. Boring, but comfy. I DO have a few outfits I'm proud of tho. I'm getting there...
- I have a red guitar named Bella. This isn't entirely because of Twilight. Honestly, Alice is my girl all the way, but I've always thought the name Bella is pretty and when I saw it in the book, it just fit! Plus, my friend Ashley named her red jeep Jasper, and I kinda felt the need to be a copycat.
- All my guitars are girls. Alex, Olivia, and Bella. But I don't name my cars.
- Addendum to #10, my first car was the PMS Mobile. This is because she was always moody and I never knew what she was going to do. It was annoying, but slightly endearing at times.
- I watch shows like Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, and the like because I want to see how the actors developed the characters and how well the writers did, not so much for the storyline.
- When I was a kid, I wished I had blue eyes. Then I read the story of Amy Carmichael, and how her brown eyes saved her life when she was in India, and I stopped complaining after that.
- I had a birthmark on my left cheek that I had removed my Senior year of high school. It was hard for me, but I was too freaked out by the chance of it becoming cancerous. Plus, now I have a cool scar from where it didn't heal quite right.
- I just recorded demos for the first time last month! Granted, it wasn't my own music, and it was for a submission for a children's worship CD, but still! I'm pretty dang excited about the whole thing.
- I miss Charlotte and still kinda want to move back.
- I LOVE fried pickles. From the Penguin OR from Tim's Rivershore. Don't care. And the ones at Cheeseburger aren't half bad in a pinch, but the others are definitely better.
- Regina Spektor is actually growing on me. She got on my last nerve when I first heard her music, but now I kinda like it.
- Cheeseburger's House Pina Colada is my favorite frozen drink in the WORLD!!! And why can't I spell that with a tilde??? Grr...
- I have one tattoo on my right foot. I want more. It may or may not ever happen.
- I had a crush on Johnny Depp. Right up until he played Willy Wonka. I can't see him the same way anymore... and while he was pretty hot as the barber of Fleet Street, it was a little much for my little heart.
- My favorite part of P.S. I Love You (the movie) was seeing Jeffery Dean Morgan's naked backside. Yes, my husband knows it. He makes fun of me for it.
- I wish more people would read P.S. I Love You (the book). I really want to have more people in my life who will understand what the heck I'm talking about when I say things like "Spensive white dress," and "...have a cup of tea." The movie and book are TOTALLY different - and maybe really should have just had different titles - but both wonderful in their own rights. (BTW, I cried like a baby in the movie, and laughed my head off reading the book)
- I'm an artsy singer, actor, excentric of sorts, but I am also a Republican, 5-point Calvinist Christian (no, not Baptist), and I despise the thought that anyone could possibly consider the life of an unborn child as optional.
- I'm REALLY opinionated, and not terribly shy about it. The challenge for me is finding a way to share my opinions only when they are appropriate to share, and in a manner that is loving and respectful.
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